You said Yes! 
What now?

It may seem a little daunting or confusing but it doesn't have to be, I'm here to guide you through everything making it a fun, enjoyable and relaxed process.

So how does it all work?

01. Reach out!
Call, email or slide into my DM’s. We can have a chat, answer some questions, check availability on the potential dates, and then book in our first face to face meeting from there.

02. Coffee date!
Next step is we meet up for a coffee, to have a chat about your plans, hear your love story and to give you the chance to see if I’m the right fit for your special day.

03. Lock it in!
To lock in your date you need to pay the $200 booking fee (which comes off the total cost). Once that payment is received and date is secured, we can start the fun planning!

04. The legal’s!
We need to lodge some pre ceremony paperwork called the Notice Of Intended Marriage Form. To fill this out I will need to sight your passports or original birth certificate and a form of photo ID such as a driver’s licence. We can do this at our first face to face catch up or arrange another coffee date! If you have been married before, bring along relevant divorce or death certificates.

05. Lets the creative juices flow!
Now is when we start getting creative. We will work together (face to face, zoom, phone) to create your personalised dream ceremony. I will also be picking your brain via questionnaires and chats to learn all about your love story and you two as a couple.

06. Love story!
Now I pull all it all together into one amazing personalised ceremony script capturing your love story and your commitments to each other.

07. Lets practice!
Practice makes perfect so we can run through a rehearsal ceremony the week of your wedding to help calm those nerves.

08. Time to roll!
The big day is here and let’s get you hitched. I will arrive at the venue no later than 30 minutes before the start time to touch base with everyone and get set up.

09. Sign baby sign!
After the vows I talk you, your lover and two witnesses through signing of the correct legal paperwork.

10. More legal’s!
After the ceremony I then lodge all of the paperwork with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and can apply on your behalf for the official certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages

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